Friday, 29 May 2015

Education and development

There is a gap when your child leaves school. If like mine your child is excluded there feels a bigger gap. After all, they were told if they were excluded for a week or so that they were to not be seen outside. Suddely the world is their oyster. The rules change.
Does they system work in their favour. Sadly yes.
From my observation there is little the education system can do one the child has been permanently excluded.

If its a behavior issue then the now NEET cannot be called into the headmasters office and there is little guidance for the parents. the parents are expected to meet with the authorities. But, if the child is reluctant to engage they wonder through time. Time that increasingly takes them to the end of when the authority has to legally engage with them by all accounts
The Neet youngster may come from the estate where gang culture exists but there is also the aspect that their peers are likely to be the ones who they hang around with. Where their influences come from

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