Last week one of the greatest challenges was the morning alarm clock.
My child set his alarm on his phone and failed to surface for the dad then has the responsibility of waking child up
Waking him up whilst not causing offence. Not allowed reality wise to should as if I shot then he will fail to get up at all and go on strike. Have to allow enough time so that he surfaces with enough time to wash and dress.
The timing seemed to be the key. In his case it as 1hour before. All teenagers vary. My target was to wake him and see him surface. It's at this point I have to express my sympathy for those parents who are not able to do this due to shift patterns. There must be a concern if you work away and have to rely on others to encourage your child out of bed.
The routine has to be the key. In June/ July the children have the warmer days and the social media may be highlighting the plans for holidays that may be days away. This becomes a tougher time to keep the discipline going. If your child has been out of education for a period and isn't finding it particularly motivational now the challenge increases. So our Teenage meet needs to be motivated by the provider. The challenge may also be that peers and social media contact can have an effect on teenagers.
I see each day as a challenge the lack of motivation and feedback seems to be limited in positive excitement. I have been annoyed that returning to home on time doesn't oƧcur. That's simply frustrating and I am not staying up each night.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Neet truancy and the Law
Neet Truancy issue and the law
Truancy of a child may well lead to fines. Sadly a child can lead to a parent obtaining a fine. It is worth working with schools or training providers to keep this situation away from the door so to speakTo highlight the issue and the position I have added some articles from the Grimsby area as well as material from reports on the Gov .uk web site
You will see articles from 2010-12
you will see the
Tackling truancy by targeting parents | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Tuesday, 23 March 2010 16:00 |
What happens to parents who don’t send their children to school? John-Paul Swoboda looks at the options available to local authorities.
Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 created two offences for ‘failing to secure regular attendance at school of a registered pupil’.
It also worth remembering that s. 444 covers, one, children who are educated at a place other than a school when such provision is organised by the local authority, and two, children excluded but still registered at a school, who are required by the school or local authority to attend somewhere other than a school for the provision of education, instruction or training.
Steps prior to court proceedings
It has been my experience when prosecuting s444 offences that local authorities and local educational authorities have set procedures which they carry out prior to issuing section 444 proceedings against parents. Typically a school will intervene if a child, let’s call him Charlie, is regularly failing to attend school by contacting and meeting with the parents. If this fails to improve Charlie’s attendance the school refers the matter to a local authority education officer who attempts to arrange meetings with Charlie’s family to identify why there have been absences.
If the above measures fail to bring about improvement, the different agencies will come together to decide on a plan of action. The agencies could include the school’s staff, usually the head teacher and the head of year, the local authority education officer who has been dealing with the case, a Special Educational Needs coordinator, a school governor, representatives of Social Care, members from the Youth Offending Team and members of other relevant agencies.
It is important for all options to be considered at this stage, not least as section 447 of the Education Act 1996 requires consideration to be given to an application for an Education Supervision Order under section 36 and part III of the Children Act 1989. Section 444A gives the local authority the power to issue a parent with a penalty notice if it believes an offence has been committed under section 444. Interestingly failure to comply with an Education Supervision Order by a parent is also a criminal offence under Part III of the Children Act 1989 as is failure to comply with a school attendance order under section 443 of the 1996 Education Act.
Let’s assume that all the agencies have got together and it has been decided by the local authority that Charlie’s parents or parent should be prosecuted under s. 444.
Choosing between section 444(1) or 444(1A)
The difference between s. 444(1) and s. 444(1A) is the parent(s) knowledge of Charlie’s absence from school. In other words a successful prosecution under s. 444(1) only requires that Charlie was absent from school regularly whereas a successful prosecution under s. 444(1A) would require that Charlie was absent from school regularly and that the parent knew that this was the case.
The extra step for a successful prosecution under s. 444(1A), proving that Charlie’s parents knew he was regularly absent from school, can be evidentially tricky. How does one prove that Charlie’s parents knew he was absent?
If Charlie was with his parents at times when he should have been at school, and this can be proved by evidence, perhaps by the local authority education officer’s evidence or by the parents’ evidence, then it should be possible to bring a successful prosecution under s. 444(1A).
However, if the evidence suggests that the parent(s) took the child to the school’s gate, it will be harder to prove they knew that Charlie was regularly not attending.
One other factor to take into consideration is that on a trial of an offence under s 444(1A) Education Act 1996 the court can find the parents guilty of s 444(1) if they consider the offence under s 444(1A) not to be made out.
Preparing the case
The most important document in a prosecution under s 444 is the headmaster’s certificate providing particulars of Charlie’s absence. This signed certificate will be treated, without further proof, as the document which it purports to be and as having been signed by the headmaster unless the contrary is proved. In other words, the headmaster’s certificate reverses the burden of proof, as it is taken as proving that Charlie was absent for the days stated on the certificate.
Apart from the headmaster’s certificate the local authority’s education officer should write a witness statement setting out the absences, giving the background history of support offered to the parent and exhibit all documents needed to prove the offence.
I would also recommend that the delegated powers under which the local authority’s education officer is authorised to operate, is evidenced by way of witness statement and exhibits. Otherwise a procedural point, arguing that there is no evidence that the prosecution is brought by a proper authority, may unnecessarily draw out proceedings.
How regular is regular?
This is a matter for the justices to decide in their discretion taking into account all the circumstances as the Act does not state a cut off point beyond which Charlie would automatically be considered to have failed to attend regularly. There is no case law on the point either. Given this area of ambiguity, I would not advise prosecutions where the issue of regularity of attendance is on the borderline.
Absence because of religious observance is not taken as an absence for the purposes of determining whether there has been regular absence.
The Defences
It is for the parent to prove their defence on the balance of probabilities, not for the local authority to disprove it. In practice that means if the parents raise a defence they will need to evidence it by way of oral and documentary evidence.
Upon conviction of Charlie’s parents of the s 444 (1) offence they are liable to a fine of up to £1,000 (a level 3 fine) each and of the s 444 (1A) offence they are liable to a fine of £2,500 (a level 4 fine) each or up to three months’ imprisonment. On top of which an application for the LA’s costs can also be made. Such costs should be set out in a schedule if possible.
Grimsby is an area with a noted Truancy problem from a report 1 year problem
N THE last academic year, 270 penalty notices were issued to parents who failed to send their children to school regularly enough.
North East Lincolnshire Council said 244 of those were for unauthorised holidays and 26 for low attendance.
Seventy-seven of those cases have been prosecuted already.
Another 22 are waiting to be heard.
The following parents are the latest to be dealt with.
Donna Hanks, 32, of Edge Avenue, Grimsby, admitted failing to send Kitana Hanks to school regularly enough between January 3 and July 24.
Eve Richardson-Smith, prosecuting for North East Lincolnshire Council, said Kitana, 15, failed to attend Tollbar Academy on 42 occasions out of 246 that the school was open – an attendance rate of only 83 per cent.
Her attendance had since improved to 91 per cent since September.
Mother-of-three Hanks told the court: "I do my best. I understand and appreciate how serious education is because I want them to have a good education."
She added that her daughter was a "15-year-old with an attitude" and that she had tried her hardest with her.
"Over the last three months, she has changed," said Hanks.
"I really have knuckled down with her.
"She is doing her best as well now. It has been difficult. There is only so far you can go to get her in school.
"I have punished her."
Hanks was given an absolute discharge, which is a conviction without penalty.
Other parents dealt with in their absence were:
Helen Brown, 41, of College Street, Cleethorpes – admitted failing to send Lauren Brown to school regularly enough between December 17 and July 24.
Lauren, 14, failed to attend Cleethorpes Academy on 88 occasions out of 256 – an attendance rate of only 66 per cent.
Brown told the court by letter she had been suffering from depression and, most of the time, she found it hard to get even herself out of bed.
She accepted it was her responsibility to get her daughter to school.
Brown was fined £55 and was ordered to pay £75 costs and a Government-imposed £15 victims' surcharge.
Rachel Hambling, 35, of Spring Bank, Grimsby, admitted failing to send Jak Melin to school regularly enough between January 28 and May 24.
Jak, 15, failed to attend John Whitgift Academy on 54 occasions out of 132 – an attendance rate of only 59 per cent.
Hambling, previously known as Rachael Melin, claimed in a letter that she had done everything she could to get her son to school after he refused to go there. She had been in "constant contact" with the academy and had always fully co-operated.
Her son had since been removed from the academy and was being "home-schooled" until he could go to college. Mother-of-two Hambling was fined £145 and was ordered to pay £75 costs and a £20 victims' surcharge.
Vicki Smith, 27, of Brereton Avenue, Cleethorpes, failed to send Jessica Roche to school regularly enough between February 25 and June 21.
The case was found proved in her absence.
Jessica, 6, failed to attend Lisle Marsden Primary Academy, Grimsby, on 21 occasions out of 134 – an attendance rate of only 84 per cent.
Jessica's attendance had since improved to 100 per cent, the court heard.
Smith was given a six-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £75 costs and a £15 victims' surcharge.
Emma Gladding, 42, and Kevin Gladding, 48, of Station Road, North Thoresby, failed to send Hannah Gladding to school between May 20 and 24.
The cases were found proved in their absence.
They took Hannah, 15, out of Tollbar Academy for a holiday when permission had not been authorised. They did not pay a penalty notice.
They were each fined £120 and were both ordered to pay £30 costs and a £20 victims' surcharge.
Parental sanctionsRecommendation 11: That the system of fines is changed to make it simpler for schools
and local authorities to use and for parents to understand. Parents who allow their child
to miss too much school should receive a fine of £60. If they fail to pay within 28 days
then the fine should double to £120 and the money should be recovered directly through
their child benefit. Where parents who do not receive child benefit fail to pay fines they
would be recovered through the county court. In addition, the local authority should
continue to have the right to take persistent offenders to court, but magistrates will be
aware that a fine will have been paid for previous offences and therefore their response
needs to be firm. Recommendation 12: Persistent failure to send children to school is a clear sign of
neglect and children’s social care services should work with schools to address
underlying difficulties.
Recommendation 13: That Academy chains, sponsors and individual schools are
allowed to prosecute their pupils’ parents for poor attendance
Aspects of parental responsibility convered here-
Parental sanctions
19. Parents have the legal responsibility to ensure their children attend school fromage 5 to 16 where they are registered. There are many reasons why parents fail to send
a child to school regularly. The best schools work with their parents to improve
attendance and they offer a wide range of support to help them get their children to
school. Fining parents or taking them to court is a last resort that schools and EWOs use
only very reluctantly when all else has failed. However, when they do so the system must
be efficient and effective.
20. When attendance falls schools can use the legal system to punish parents who fail
in this duty, but this process is protracted and inconsistent. For most schools and LAs
legal intervention is the end of a process that has seen the parent and child offered a
range of support. Schools or local authorities may impose a fixed penalty notice (FPN) on
parents whose child is not attending regularly. The parent has 28 days to pay a fine of
£50; if they fail then it is doubled. After 42 days if the parent has not paid then the school
or LA has to withdraw the penalty notice and the parent is then prosecuted under section
444 of the Education Act 1996. Currently 50-60 per cent of FPNs are paid.
21. The process of taking a parent to court is cumbersome and expensive. During my
review, when I met magistrates, schools and education welfare officers, they frequently
expressed frustration with a system that takes up to six months to get a parent to court
22. One magistrate explained how parents could exploit the system by first pleading
not guilty, then failing to attend court when they were summoned and finally not paying
any fine imposed by the magistrate. These attendance cases compete for limited court
time with a wide range of other offences.
23. Only a council can prosecute a parent under section 444 and, if the borough
solicitor does not prioritise these cases, then they can take months to come to court.
When parents are found guilty under section 444 the punishment imposed by the court
varies hugely. One education welfare officer told me that whenever she sees one of the
two local district judges presiding she knows the parent will only receive a conditional
discharge, regardless of the circumstances of the case. Another said a magistrate had
imposed one day’s court detention for a mother of a Year 9 child who had not been at
school for over a year. When after forty-five minutes she said she had to pick up another
of her children the magistrate let her go.
24. In 2010, out of 9,147 parents taken to court and found guilty only 6,591 received a
fine or a more serious sanction. The average fine imposed by the court was £165. In the
review EWOs commented that within certain groups of parents the word has spread that
prosecution for bad attendance is a muddled process in which there is a good chance of
getting off without sanction
Parental sanctions
Recommendation 11: That the system of fines is changed to make it simpler for schools
and local authorities to use and for parents to understand. Parents who allow their child
to miss too much school should receive a fine of £60. If they fail to pay within 28 days
then the fine should double to £120 and the money should be recovered directly through
their child benefit. Where parents who do not receive child benefit fail to pay fines they
would be recovered through the county court. In addition, the local authority should
continue to have the right to take persistent offenders to court, but magistrates will be
aware that a fine will have been paid for previous offences and therefore their response
needs to be firm. Recommendation 12: Persistent failure to send children to school is a clear sign of
neglect and children’s social care services should work with schools to address
underlying difficulties.
Recommendation 13: That Academy chains, sponsors and individual schools are
allowed to prosecute their pupils’ parents for poor attendance
Parental sanctions- or fine
Recommendation 11: That the system of fines is changed to make it simpler for schools
and local authorities to use and for parents to understand. Parents who allow their child
to miss too much school should receive a fine of £60. If they fail to pay within 28 days
then the fine should double to £120 and the money should be recovered directly through
their child benefit. Where parents who do not receive child benefit fail to pay fines they
would be recovered through the county court. In addition, the local authority should
continue to have the right to take persistent offenders to court, but magistrates will be
aware that a fine will have been paid for previous offences and therefore their response
needs to be firm.
Recommendation 12: Persistent failure to send children to school is a clear sign of
neglect and children’s social care services should work with schools to address
underlying difficulties.
Recommendation 13: That Academy chains, sponsors and individual schools are
allowed to prosecute their pupils’ parents for poor attendance
young people,
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
The History of JSA claims -NEET
The History of JSA
You can see the history of the claim demand at the bottom of the page. However, this doesn't show the picture so clearly when you take into consideration the introduction of Universal Credit.
This started in the North West of the area and in all my Blog's
I have shown in recent years the Roll out of Universal Credit.
The Government has made it clear that they intend to reduce access to Housing Benefit the 18-24 age group
What does the future
I have shown in recent years the Roll out of Universal Credit.
What does the future
Conservative Manifesto
From the Youth perspective the change proposed for the 18-24 is that instead of claiming JSA they will claim Youth Allowance which they will only be able to claim for 6mnths. There will be a requirement to be on Apprenticeship, Community work or Training.
and is followed by
youth allowance,
youth contract
NEET morning challenge
When your Neet teenager faces the day. You have woken them up and you get the rejection. They don't want to be disturbed.
You have to get to work yourself. Your manager may be less than understanding but your teenager or NEET hasn't mastered the concept of getting out of bed.
Having faced this challenge I immediately asked myself what was the solution.
Is your job the priority or is your child's need to get off their ... the priority.What can you do.?
The taxi arrived and I asked the driver. It turned out they had a 10 mins window. Imagine how it feels as the first child having already got into the taxi waiting for someone else for 10 mins.
Yes your teenager is up in terms of being awake but they haven't washed their hair or sorted their all important clothes or accessories out. THEY HAVEN'T GOT TIME.
I rang the office of the provider and advised them of the update.
I worry that teenagers don't take notice of the advice that they are given. The reality is that obtaining education and getting qualifications is the key to their future.
Once it has happened once the teenager may feel that they can get away with it without the consequences. After all they have been excluded and it is almost a way of life
You have to get to work yourself. Your manager may be less than understanding but your teenager or NEET hasn't mastered the concept of getting out of bed.
Having faced this challenge I immediately asked myself what was the solution.
Is your job the priority or is your child's need to get off their ... the priority.What can you do.?
The taxi arrived and I asked the driver. It turned out they had a 10 mins window. Imagine how it feels as the first child having already got into the taxi waiting for someone else for 10 mins.
Yes your teenager is up in terms of being awake but they haven't washed their hair or sorted their all important clothes or accessories out. THEY HAVEN'T GOT TIME.
I rang the office of the provider and advised them of the update.
I worry that teenagers don't take notice of the advice that they are given. The reality is that obtaining education and getting qualifications is the key to their future.
Once it has happened once the teenager may feel that they can get away with it without the consequences. After all they have been excluded and it is almost a way of life
A key aspect here is that all those around the NEET teenager have to not fall for the No CASH game.
The Teenager's boundary may include cash flow.
So if a caring member of the family decides to over ride the issue that no attendance and performance no cash flow a new issue develops. There has to be a united front
Having found this situation occuring a new challenge emerges.
It may be worth talking to family members about this and point out the issue
Monday, 22 June 2015
Neet or not NEET?
Waking up your child on their first day is always a challenge. However if they have had a break from Education and Training and have lost their way then there is a new challenge for the parent.
How will the first day go?
Will the Taxi arrive?
Waking your child up on his first day may attract resistance. Will there be an outright refusal or an acceptance?
I was fortunate. Yes there was a delay but not pushing the situation seemed to work. The initial response was key ..There was life.
Allowing for time and regular calm announcements seem to work. Agreed, it doesn't always work.
It may be a challenge subject to the relationship you have with your child. Are they angry with you for sending them. Fed up not doing anything or want to get back to their mates.
I would argue that if friends are all doing something its easier. If they are not then the temptation to not even get started is a big one
I have to admit to cheering to myself...Why?
Because 15 mins before we were sat downstairs waiting. Relief, relief that there had been no anger , no shouting and little in the way of a major bust up.
So throughout our working day we wonder how it has gone. I watched from my car as the taxi pulled waited a few seconds and tooted and then I saw the departure.
A child going to a new provider means a new phase. The rules are different to conventional school.
As I stated in an earlier post. There is a need for earlier assessments
It's not just the adults assessing the child. But, it's the child assessing the new team.
When they return you may be fortunate and they come and share. They may not. Either way its all in their own time. Every Youth is different
How will the first day go?
Will the Taxi arrive?
Waking your child up on his first day may attract resistance. Will there be an outright refusal or an acceptance?
I was fortunate. Yes there was a delay but not pushing the situation seemed to work. The initial response was key ..There was life.
Allowing for time and regular calm announcements seem to work. Agreed, it doesn't always work.
It may be a challenge subject to the relationship you have with your child. Are they angry with you for sending them. Fed up not doing anything or want to get back to their mates.
I would argue that if friends are all doing something its easier. If they are not then the temptation to not even get started is a big one
I have to admit to cheering to myself...Why?
Because 15 mins before we were sat downstairs waiting. Relief, relief that there had been no anger , no shouting and little in the way of a major bust up.
So throughout our working day we wonder how it has gone. I watched from my car as the taxi pulled waited a few seconds and tooted and then I saw the departure.
A child going to a new provider means a new phase. The rules are different to conventional school.
As I stated in an earlier post. There is a need for earlier assessments
It's not just the adults assessing the child. But, it's the child assessing the new team.
When they return you may be fortunate and they come and share. They may not. Either way its all in their own time. Every Youth is different
Saturday, 20 June 2015
NEEt to training
With 3 days to go a child can face it challenging the idea of returning to Education or training.
In Lincolnshire Taxis are provided to get the child to the Training provider.These Taxis are shared with other childen. The funding of the Education of a teenager and the complexity of funding.
The child may make many decisions based on who is at the establishment rather than the Quality of the training or type of training. there is a drop our rateof the youngsters as in the past the children had a less than effective engagement. Recent changes include a ban on smoking which is to make it more relateable to the work place.
Many of these youngsters may know each other at these establishments. This may come as something of a shock to parents but the world is small.
The structure by nature of the establishment is different due the situation that the teenager is coming from. Exclusion. In many cases the child will have been excluded from school or will have had some form of challenge with the school environment. The school has limitations in the way they can deal with such issues and as I found out intervention is not always an option within some policies.
Initial Questions
My child's discussion with the Deputy Head of the provider didnt provide an insight. An understanding of options wasn't there.
I reflected on the career's advice I had had at his age..Mine was in the 1980's
The options then were different to the intial questioning that my child had
Are you interested in Engineering?
Answer-Dont know
Are you interested in computers?
Answer suppose
Reality from a NEET teenager is that they are not likely to be sure of their capabilities or abilities. Why would they.The lack of experience through lack of attending school has left them missing out. The uphill climb of engagement, motivation and direction starts next week
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Apprenticeships another view
A recent BBC article stated
"The majority of apprenticeships are being used to train older people, and those who are already employed at their company, instead of taking on young people out of work."
In a statement on Sunday, Labour MP Liam Byrne said the government needed to do more to boost the apprenticeship "brand".
"The Tory-led coalition's five years allowed the devaluing of the once proud apprenticeship brand.
"They focused on re-badging in-work training for older workers as apprenticeships rather than helping create proper apprenticeship places for young people.
"Apprenticeships should be a qualification of at least level three and last two years," he said.
I read this and wondered if this was the reason why Young NEET youngsters were struggling to find new opportunities
Youth Unemployed who are not in Employment Education or Training need Appretniceships
The traditional view of the Apprentice was a the 18-25 year old. Possibly a builder, plumber or Joiner. However now the world of the Apprentice has changed.
This has led to the challenge for the Younger Job seeker in obtaining the training opportunities that they may have been offered in the past.
Add this to the issues connected with Welfare Support including Universal Credit and Housing Benefit that is expected to change in this term of Government there is a challenge for the future.
Key Skill,
young people,
youth contract
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Careers Advice
When you make contact with the Careers service this is what you can expect.
A map of possibilities.

For the 13-16 age group
The Map has individual links for the catergories
Links that lead to more information on each category that you can follow and look at the options.
This may be a key web site at this time of the year for many.
Both parents and students can see whats available.
Is it time to chat to an advisor?
You can undertake an online chat here with the National Careers service
This isn't available with all web sites
Friday, 5 June 2015
NEET advice and funding
"Further council funding cuts will put thousands of youngsters' "promising futures" at risk, say town hall bosses.
A Local Government Association survey of councils in England, says 90% have cut services for teenagers not in education, employment and training.
Local authorities have seen funding cuts of 40% since 2010, and their responsibility for careers advice and further education has been removed.
The government said the teenage Neet rate was now 64,000 lower than in 2010.
And it highlighted that it is investing £7bn "to fund a place for every 16- to 18-year-old in England who wants one".
Since 2012, local councils in England have no longer had control over careers advice, which has switched to schools.
Local authority-run Connexions services were one of the first areas to be cut under the previous coalition government.
Councils have also lost control of post-16 education and schemes to tackle young people's disengagement.
But the LGA points out that local authorities still have a duty to encourage 16- to 18-year-olds to remain in education, employment or training and ensure there are enough opportunities available locally.
It says local councils are best-placed to oversee support for 14- to 21-year-old Neets because they know what is needed on the ground.
And it warns the advances that it has made could be lost with further cuts ahead.
David Simmonds, chairman of the LGA's Children and Young People Board, said: "The message from local government is clear.
"Cuts without reform risk undoing all of our collective good work, putting thousands of promising futures at risk.
"Councils are uniquely well placed to help young people access the opportunities created by the local employers increasingly frustrated by remote national institutions.
"It is important that we have the powers, levers and funding to fulfil our legal duties to young people.
"The new government has a real opportunity to build on recent successes and meet its ambition of full employment by enabling local partnerships of councils, schools, colleges, jobcentres and employers to locally coordinate a single youth offer.
"It will ensure every young person is either in work or learning."
A survey of 87 local authorities for the LGA also suggests the vast majority (97%) believe services for young people will be put at risk unless councils regain powers over them and general council cuts are avoided.
The Department for Education said: "Thanks to our essential reforms, there are 64,000 fewer 16- to 18-year-olds Neets than there were in 2010.
"We have ended the historic and unfair funding difference between schools and colleges from the 16-19 funding formula, and are maintaining funding rates for 2015-16 so they can plan their future offers for students.
"We are also reforming academic qualifications and vocational education to ensure young people get the knowledge and skills that they need to move into a job, apprenticeship or to continue their education."
The rate of 16- to 18-year-olds who are Neet has tended to fluctuated between 8% and 10% over the past decade, but has been following a downward trend since 2008."
BBC article
BBC article
The Challenge
The challenge to cut support for this age group is extremely concerning.
Reality is that there is a huge need within this sector to engage. The Jobcentre plus under DWP has failed for years to engage with effect and trying to work on a National basis is very unlikely to be that effective.
DWP will be tasked to stop the Housing Benefit along with the council's soon as stated by the Conservative Party's manifesto.
If you have been excluded from school or college or the plan's set out for your future don't work out well you are going to struggle. NEET have been a political issue for some years and unlike the older age groups they are less likely to have work experience or the skill base for modern business.
Mentoring, advice,Guidance and support is essential. Cutting spending in this area and yet ring fencing overseas aid doesn't sit well with many
young people
Thursday, 4 June 2015
NEET jsa figures throughout the U.K
Pilot Programmes
Pilot programmes
Yesterday I attended a KS4 student parent programme information meeting. I have to say that I was surprised that there was an element of listening to the parent.The group was small consisting of just two parents. This probably enabled a real conversation.
The pilot included year 10 student NEETs.. We typically think of the NEET being in the 18-24 age group but often this isn't the case. It may well be that NEET has started from a younger age based on a number of factors.
The Provider had identified issues that were clear to parents. Communication being a main one. often County Council communication is inadequate. So reality wise you need to attend as parent NEET meetings to ensure that you do ask the questions that are on your mind as well as find out what is going on.
Based on what I have read on policy paperwork in relation to NEET policy the authorities under the Department of Education have identified that retention is a key issue along with engagement
Engagement with the NEET client or candidate may well be a challenge.
The local providers discussed their proposals of Audits,Targeted intervention, Codes of conduct, GL Assessment, Taster sessions and more
English & Maths were seen as key areas. In many ways this had to be key as all employers require skills in this area. The intention being was to aspire to attain GCSE in these subjects. A Challenge
On my previous visit to one of the sites, the provider informed my son that smoking was a privilege? Under the new pilot NEET programme, there was a "No Smoking" policy on site
The providers are intending to set a code of conduct with the students. This would be set up on the induction. As many of those involved in such pilot's will have conduct as a reason why they were excluded I hope that guidance will be given in setting up this KS code of conduct.
English & Maths were seen as key areas. In many ways this had to be key as all employers require skills in this area. The intention being was to aspire to attain GCSE in these subjects. A Challenge
On my previous visit to one of the sites, the provider informed my son that smoking was a privilege? Under the new pilot NEET programme, there was a "No Smoking" policy on site
The providers are intending to set a code of conduct with the students. This would be set up on the induction. As many of those involved in such pilot's will have conduct as a reason why they were excluded I hope that guidance will be given in setting up this KS code of conduct.
The provider has set up a target of 95% attendance as a target. In Lincolnshire the provider uses Taxis to transport these student trainees to the programmes. In some ways therefore it will be if the student actually gets into the Taxi that the test begins.
The Pilot programme is also seeking that they Trainee students also wear a form of uniform. In this case, the uniform will involve the wearing of a white shirt, black trousers and black shoes.
Here again the providers face the challenge as the student trainee may have used this as a form of rebellion in school. They may well try this as a way of testing with the provider.
Unlike other meetings, however, these trainee students are being offered the opportunity of different sites where they may wish to try. In many instances, I believe the success of placements may lie in whether the student or trainee knows fellow students or trainees. Certainly that was the feedback i got.
The Pilot programme sounds good. Will the reality work out. It has taken 3 months to get to a stage where options that are real options are being offered. it was only last week I was informed that the main stream school option was unlikely to be offered. Between the delays, staff holidays, administration and legal process that is a lot of wasted time.
Monday, 1 June 2015
Have a son or daughter that is considering becoming an Apprentice?
What are Apprenticeships? They are work-based training programmes designed around the needs of employers and their employee’s, which lead to national recognised qualifications.
You can use Apprenticeships to train both new and existing employees.
Funding is available to train apprentices.
Apprenticeships are designed by the Sector Skills Councils, while the National Apprenticeship Service helps to fund the training. Business representatives from the relevant industry sector work with the Sector Skills Councils to develop the course content. Because they genuinely understand your business, the training will be relevant for your industry.Over 100,000 employers in over 160,000 workplaces offer frameworks across a wide range of industry sectors.
Depending on the sector and job role an Apprenticeship can take anything between one and four years to complete. It is a package of on-the-job training and qualifications.
Facts in numbers
Over 80% of those employers who employ apprentices agree they make their workplace more productive. 81% of consumers favour using a company which takes on apprentices. The National Minimum Wage for apprentices is £2.73 per hour Many employers prefer to pay more however, and research shows that the average salary is approx £170 per week. From the 1st of October 2014
21 and over | 18 to 20 | Under 18 | Apprentice* |
£6.50 | £5.13 | £3.79 | £2.73 |
The Government will fund their training.
There are more than 200 different types of Apprenticeships available offering over 1,200 job roles. 92% of employers who employ apprentices believe that Apprenticeships lead to a more motivated and satisfied workforce. 83% of employers who employ apprentices rely on their Apprenticeships programme to provide the skilled workers that they need for the future. One in five employers are hiring more apprentices to help them through the tough economic climate.
There are three levels of Apprenticeship available: 1 - Intermediate Level Apprenticeships Apprentices work towards work-based learning qualifications such as a Level 2 Competence Qualification, Functional Skills and, in most cases, a relevant knowledge-based qualification. 2 - Advanced Level Apprenticeships Apprentices work towards work-based learning such as a Level 3 Competence Qualification, Functional Skills and, in most cases, a relevant knowledge-based qualification. 3 - Higher Apprenticeships Apprentices work towards work-based learning qualifications such as a Level 4 Competence Qualification, Functional Skills and, in some cases, a knowledge-based qualification such as a Foundation Degree. Find out more about the current range of Higher Apprenticeships available, developing new frameworks and the Higher Apprenticeship Investment Fund.
Types of Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships are available in a wide range of industry sectors with employers from large national companies such as Sainsbury’s, BMW and Orange to smaller local companies. There are more than 200 different types of Apprenticeships available offering over 1,200 job roles within a variety of industry sectors ranging from accountancy and engineering to veterinary nursing and floristry. If you wish to view the technical aspects of each framework, including the different elements involved as well as any employment rights and responsibilities, view the Apprenticeship frameworks library.
Training and Employment
As Apprenticeships are work-based training programmes, most of the training is ‘on the job’ – at your premises. The rest can be provided by a local college or by a specialist learning provider, or you could deliver everything yourself. As the employer you must give your apprentices an induction into their role and provide on-the-job training. You are also responsible for paying your apprentices’ wages. Employment must be for at least 30 hours per week, except in the minority of circumstances where the learner cannot complete the full 30 hours. In these cases employment must be for more than 16 hours per week. A learning provider will provide an employer representative who will be able to support and guide you. They will work with you to: Help you decide which Apprenticeship is right for you; Explain the way that Apprenticeships might work for you and if funding is available; Agree a training plan with your apprentice; Recruit an apprentice or support your existing staff into Apprenticeships; Manage the training and evaluation; and Ensure that national quality standards are met and deliver integrated, coherent training. If you wish to find a learning provider yourself we have many tried and tested Search for a learning provider in your area
Funding Apprenticeship funding is available from the National Apprenticeship Service. The size of the contribution varies depending on your sector and the age of the candidate. If the apprentice is aged 16–18 years old, you will receive 100 per cent of the cost of the training; if they are 19-24 years old, you will receive up to 50 per cent; if they are 25 years old or over you may only get a contribution depending on the sector and area in which you operate. This is paid directly to the organisation that provides and supports the Apprenticeship; in most cases this will be a learning provider. Large employers with a direct contract with the National Apprenticeship Service may receive the funding themselves.
National Minimum Wage .
The apprentice minimum wage is currently £2.68 per hour and applies to time working, plus time spent training that is part of the Apprenticeship. Employers are free to pay above the new wage and many do so, but employers must ensure that they are paying their apprentices at least the minimum wage. If an apprentice is on a higher wage, the employer must continue to pay that for the remainder of the training or until the apprentice becomes eligible for the full national minimum wage. Employer Incentive (AGE 16 to 24)
The AGE 16 to 24 year olds is aimed at helping eligible employers to offer young people employment through the Apprenticeship programme, by providing wage grants to assist employers in recruiting their first apprentice. The National Apprenticeship Service will provide up to 40,000 Apprenticeship grants to small medium sized employers recruiting 16 to 24 year olds with a value of £1,500 to encourage new employers to take on new apprentices.
To speak to a National Apprenticeship Service Small Business Team advisor please call 08000 150 600.
The Government promises to Youth
Cameron Government intro
Its all about Welfare Change. The changes that may well effect are those on Universal Credit, JSA Youth Contract, Esa Disability benefits and Industrial Accident David Cameron the prime minister showed the cameras the manifesto. He refers to the manifesto and you can see some of the relevant comments here.
The Conservative Party Manifesto -Promises ahead on Jobs
key slogan-Full employment"A job is the best way to provide security for families"

Following the election of the Conservative Party to power within the Uk. the Key phrase used within their Manifesto has been "Full Employment" not underemployment or Unemployment. In this Post I have Quoted the Partie's manifesto

We aim to achieve full employment in the UK, with the highest employment rate in the G7, and we will help businesses create two million jobs over the Parliament. We have abolished the jobs tax – employers' National Insurance contributions (NICs) – for the under 21s and next year we will do the same for young apprentices under 25.
We will continue to help smaller businesses take on new workers through the Employment Allowance, which frees businesses from the first £2,000 of employers’ NICs so that a third of employers pay no jobs tax.
Youth & NEET's

Day One Work Requirements for young people claiming out-of-work benefits. We will replace the Jobseeker’s Allowance for 18-21 year-olds with a Youth Allowance that will be time-limited to six months, after which young people will have to take an apprenticeship, a traineeship or do daily community work for their benefits
. It is also not fair that taxpayers should have to pay for 18-21 year-olds on Jobseeker’s Allowance to claim Housing Benefit in order to leave home. So we will ensure that they no longer have an automatic entitlement to Housing Benefit We will fight for equal opportunity for Disabled Last year alone, 140,000 disabled people found work. But the jobless rate for this group remains too high and, as part of our objective to achieve full employment, we will aim to halvethe disability employment gap: we will transform policy, practice and public attitudes, so that hundreds of thousands more disabled people who can and want to be in work find employment. We now have more women-led businesses than ever before, more women in work than ever before and more women on FTSE 100 boards than ever before. We want to see full, genuine gender equality. The gender pay gap is the lowest on record, but we want to reduce it further and will push business to do so: we will require companies with more than 250 employees to publish the difference between the average pay of their male and female employee
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