Tuesday, 23 June 2015

NEET morning challenge

When your Neet teenager faces the day. You have woken them up and you get the rejection. They don't want to be disturbed.
You have to get to work yourself. Your manager may be less than understanding but your teenager or NEET hasn't mastered the concept of getting out of bed.
Having faced this challenge I immediately asked myself what was the solution.
Is your job the priority or is your child's need to get off their ... the priority.What can you do.?

The taxi arrived and I asked the driver. It turned out they had a 10 mins window. Imagine how it feels as the first child having already got into the taxi waiting for someone else for 10 mins.

Yes your teenager is up in terms of being awake but they haven't washed their hair or sorted their all important clothes or accessories out. THEY HAVEN'T GOT TIME.

I rang the office of the provider and advised them of the update.
I worry that teenagers don't take notice of the advice that they are given. The reality is that obtaining education and getting qualifications is the key to their future.
Once it has happened once the teenager may feel that they can get away with it without the consequences. After all they have been excluded and it is almost a way of life


A key aspect here is that all those around the NEET teenager have to not fall for the No CASH game.
The Teenager's boundary may include cash flow.
So if a caring member of the family decides to over ride the issue that no attendance and performance no cash flow a new issue develops. There has to be a united front
Having found this situation occuring a new challenge emerges.
It may be worth talking to family members about this and point out the issue

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